Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Cybersecurity Testing

Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Cybersecurity Testing

Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Cybersecurity Testing: Why YOU Should Test Their Security

If your business relies on a Managed Service Provider (MSP) for IT and cybersecurity, you trust them to keep your data and systems safe. But how confident are you in their security measures? Even the most reliable MSPs can have vulnerabilities, leaving your systems exposed. This is why regular penetration testing and vulnerability testing are crucial, even if your MSP handles security.

Testing your MSP doesn’t mean you doubt their abilities—it’s about making sure their defenses, and your business’s, are strong enough to handle modern cyber threats. Here’s why you should regularly test your MSP’s security.

No One is Immune to Cyber Threats (including your MSP Cybersecurity)

Even though your MSP manages your IT and security, they’re not invincible. Hackers are constantly evolving their methods, and just because your MSP promises security doesn’t mean they’re immune. Penetration and vulnerability testing can:

  • Uncover hidden weaknesses in your MSP’s systems.
  • Reveal security gaps they may have missed.
  • Offer an objective view of how well your business is protected.

While your MSP manages IT security, your business is still responsible for protecting its own data. Regular testing of their security helps ensure they’re delivering the protection your business needs by:

  • Holding them accountable.
  • Ensuring their defenses are robust.
  • Identifying potential weaknesses before they’re exploited.

Proactive testing adds an extra layer of security.

For businesses in regulated industries, such as healthcare or finance, compliance is key. Penetration and vulnerability testing can:

  • Ensure your MSP meets required standards.
  • Provide documentation of ongoing security measures.
  • Help you avoid penalties and fines for non-compliance.

Testing gives you confidence that your MSP is keeping your business secure and compliant.

Third-party breaches are a growing concern. When you rely on an MSP, they become part of your security framework—and could become a weak point if their defenses aren’t solid. Regular testing helps:

  • Identify weak spots in their security.
  • Address vulnerabilities before hackers can exploit them.
  • Reduce your risk of third-party breaches.

Don’t leave your security to chance. Regularly test your MSP’s systems to ensure your business remains protected. At, we specialize in penetration testing and vulnerability scanning to help businesses validate their managed service provider’s security. Offering flexible payment options for small business, non-profits, and local governments.

Visit today to schedule your test and take control of your company’s cybersecurity.